Breaking The Cycle Of Child Abuse

When you have been victimized as a child it takes a tremendous amount of courage to speak out and talk about the abuse. In the last month the reports of Sexual Child Abuse have dominated the news, victims are coming forward and speaking out in record numbers. Their courage is creating a healthy, open environment and it is allowing others to gain the courage to do the same. As a victim of abuse myself I personally know I've kept silent about the abuse as a way to deal with it. I felt that if I didn't say anything it was like the abuse didn't happen, my silence was a form of denial. I know now that this "Conspiracy of Silence" creates more harm because it lays the blame on the victim. Talking about the abuse is the first step towards healing. Breaking your silence will lay the blame back where it belongs - on the Perpetrator. I've begun my healing process by pouring my personal experience into a script. The title of the script is "A Life, Taken, its a...