Life... the optical Illusion

Optical Illusions hav e always fascinated m e mostly b ecaus e th e eff ect of th e i llusion is dependent on th e human experience . We are a participant in the creation of the end product because our ey es and brain gath er th e information from the image and its this information that cr eat es th e eff ect th e artist int end ed . Look at the picture b elow , it was drawn by famous illustrator C. Allan Gilb ert in 1892. It was first publish ed in Lif e Magazin e in 1902 and its title is: "All Is Vanity" From clos e-up the view er can not h elp but to b e pull ed into th e setting of a woman sitting at h er vanity, staring at h er own r efl ection. But take a st ep back and another figure emerges ... that of a human skull. Som e p eopl e may find th is visual morbid but I am intrigued by i t and inspired by its practical m essag e . Th e us e of this optical illusion highlights ou...