Feature Article: A Songbird's Journey

You know that old adage: "Birds of a Feather Flock together?" I think we are all inexplicably drawn to people with whom we share common interests. Looking over the landscape of my life I know this is why most of my friends are artists. If there is one common thread between all artists it is this: in order to engage in our artistic expression (what ever that is, dance, painting, writing etc) there needs to be an openness, we need to be vulnerable and remain available to the creative process. SOCIAL BUTTERFLY I am a self-professed (and confessed) social butterfly, I absolutely love meeting new people and usually sit on the edge of my seat, riveted by every detail of their life's journey. This is why I adore writing these monthly features, I've heard so many wonderful stories over the years. I'm grateful to have this outlet to share them with you. I hope each feature article inspires you, in some way, to pursue your dreams. IT'S ALL 'BOUT THE JOURNEY...