Follow-up Post: DawnMarie's Mercury Retrograde Guide.

MERCURY RETROGRADE - (October 4 - 24) Have you felt off this month? Have your communications been difficult? Have you found contracts hard to get signed? New business efforts thwarted? Car problems? Have the most simple and mundane tasks seem to take a super human effort? Well, you are not alone. You have been under the Mercury Retrograde spell. This is all part of the voo-doo that Mercury Retrograde casts on our daily lives. In astrology, planets display two kinds of motion, direct and retrograde. When a planet is direct it is moving in the order of the zodiac. When a planet is in retrograde it is moving against the order of the zodiac. Both Mercury and Venus orbit around the Sun and as such can be seen in the Earth's Sky in the morning and evening. Mercury's core has a high iron content, higher than any other planet in the Solar System. Iron is among the few metals that can easily become magnetized. When Mercury turns retrograde it becomes a magnetic ball going around ...