BE yourself...

Just "Be Yourself" Has anyone said this to you before? I know I've heard it many times. The earliest that I can recall is the first time I went to Summer Camp, I was enrolled in the "Fresh Air Fund". This amazing organization would take us "City Kids" and send us to stay in the homes of families that lived in the "Country". I vividly remember the first summer - I was going to stay on a farm. YES a fully functioning farm... it was so FUN. I learned how to milk cows, get the eggs from the hens, take care of the horses in the stable - this is where my love affair with Horses began... The day I was leaving to go stay on the farm I was excited and a little scared because this was the first time I was going to be away from home. So, my Grandmother and I said our good-byes but what I distinctly remember is her saying to me... "Be Yourself" . Since that day I've heard "Be Yourself" a lot throughout my li...