BE yourself...

Just "Be Yourself"

Has anyone said this to you before?

I know I've heard it many times.

The earliest that I can recall is the first time I went to Summer Camp,
I was enrolled in the "Fresh Air Fund". This amazing organization
would take us "City Kids" and send us to stay in the homes of families
that lived in the "Country".

I vividly remember the first summer - I was going to
stay on a farm. YES a fully functioning farm... it was so FUN.
I learned how to milk cows, get the eggs from the
hens, take care of the horses in the stable - this is
where my love affair with Horses began...

The day I was leaving to go stay on the farm I was excited and a little
scared because this was the first time I was going to be away
from home. So, my Grandmother and I said our good-byes but what
I distinctly remember is her saying to me... "Be Yourself".

Since that day I've heard "Be Yourself" a lot throughout my life,
going on job interviews, auditions... the "Be Yourself" mantra continued.

Honestly, I am aware of the sentiment that's
meant by this mantra, as I'm sure you are too, but
recently I've realized there's a deeper meaning to it.

So... here it goes... from me to you...
the next time someone tells you to "Be Yourself" this is what I
believe they are saying to you:

Be who you are - fully
Everything about you is perfect - no need for changes

You are loved for who you are - right now, in this moment
Open your heart to others
Use your gifts
Reveal yourself
Speak your truth so others get to know you
Express who you are so you get to know yourself
Love yourself for all you have been, are, and all you will become
Feel proud being you because you are special



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