When Inspiration Strikes...

I've been writing for most of my life - journaling, short stories, comedy sketches, poetry and even a number of scripts. Not too long ago I found I script I wrote when I was about 12 years old... (it is filled with so much drama the writers for General Hospital would be jealous... lol) But I've never let anyone read my writings... this blog is really the first time I've shared my writing with anyone other than my husband. I just never felt what I had written was good enough to warrant anyones time reading it - that is - other than my amazing husband (which is one of the reasons why when ever I write about him I always preface it by acknowledging him as AMAZING... because he is) The insecure feelings about my writing began to shift after completing my latest script. I began writing it in February 2011 and it just poured out of me. The first draft came within a week and I had the final draft within THE MONTH! I literally looked at that Final Draft in amazement - I mean I...