When Inspiration Strikes...

But I've never let anyone read my writings... this blog is really the first time I've shared my writing with anyone other than my husband. I just never felt what I had written was good enough to warrant anyones time reading it - that is - other than my amazing husband (which is one of the reasons why when ever I write about him I always preface it by acknowledging him as AMAZING... because he is)
The insecure feelings about my writing began to shift after completing my latest script. I began writing it in February 2011 and it just poured out of me. The first draft came within a week and I had the final draft within THE MONTH! I literally looked at that Final Draft in amazement - I mean I knew I wrote it BUT I felt I did not write it alone - there was someone by my side helping me.
WHO was my co-author???
Well we each define this energy in our lives differently but to me it's the energy known as Spirit, Universe, God... that's who was by my side inspiring me.
I felt more peaceful than I had ever felt in my whole life during this writing process. I did not take a break from writing - not once - the story became an obsession. I wrote way into the late night and early mornings and all while I was in rehearsal for a show.
YES!!! I was in rehearsals for a production of "Cabaret" and having the time of my life with that process AND at the same time this story would not stop unfolding. I was inspired and when this inspiration came to me I could not resist it - I did not question it - I didn't second guess it - I accepted it and flowed with it. This energy was unrelenting - the only thing I could do was write - and so it went and a month later, when I came up for air and looked back at what I had written a calm came over me - it was as if I had released a lifetime of energy, I was euphoric by the lightness I felt in my body.
It was a day or so later when another feeling came over me - the feeling that this journey was not over. That what I wrote was something to be shared with others and not just my amazing hubby...
I have NEVER had this feeling... EVER.
I now feel compelled to share this story - I'm producing the script YES!!!! My amazing husband and I are producing a film - and it is my belief - this putting one foot in front of the other - that is helping me with the stress that comes with producing. OY - VEY is it stressful and we've only just begun...
The working title of the script was "Untitled Belief Project" because of the inspired way it came about and how I just trusted the process and went with it. The project is now called "A Life, Taken" but that feeling of BELIEF is always with me. We are in the Pre-production and I still feel my co-author with me - cheering me on through every step of this process - and I know that the only thing for me to do is to continue putting one foot in front of the other, go with the flow, listen to where it is taking me and BELIEVE.
I share this with you so that when you feel that energy in your life, when INSPIRATION STRIKES YOU - you may remember this blog and just flow with it, TRUST ME YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID!
*** If you wanna know more about our film
"A Life, Taken" CLICK HERE
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