Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

Mercury turns retrograde today... what does that mean? MERCURY The derivation is from the Latin word merx which means merchant. It is the name given by ancient Romans to the Greek god Hermes. Hermes/Mercury is known to be a trickster and prone to pranks. He is messenger of the gods & god of science and commerce. MERCURY RETROGRADE This is an event that occurs three times a year for three weeks at a time. During this time Mercury slows down and appears to turn backwards (retrograde) through the zodiac, Mercury then slows down again and returns to its natural orbit (direct). The next Mercury retrograde beings Wednesday, June 26th and it will go direct July 20th. MURPHY'S LAW Mercury retrograde has a negative connotation, it is a time that is most associated with Murphy's law. The now famous Murphy's Law quote was originated by aerospace engineer Edward Aloysis Murphy jr. He worked with the Air Force developing high-speed rocket sled experiments...