Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide
Mercury turns retrograde today... what does that mean?
The derivation is from the Latin word merx which means merchant. It is the name given by ancient Romans to the Greek god Hermes.
Hermes/Mercury is known to be a trickster and prone to pranks. He is messenger of the gods & god of science and commerce.
This is an event that occurs three times a year for three weeks at a time. During this time Mercury slows down and appears to turn backwards (retrograde) through the zodiac, Mercury then slows down again and returns to its natural orbit (direct).
The next Mercury retrograde beings Wednesday, June 26th and it will go direct July 20th.
Mercury retrograde has a negative connotation, it is a time that is most associated with Murphy's law. The now famous Murphy's Law quote was originated by aerospace engineer Edward Aloysis Murphy jr. He worked with the Air Force developing high-speed rocket sled experiments. During this experiment Murphy was quoted saying: "One should always assume worst-case scenarios".
This quote was later transformed into the widely recognized: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" by Dr. John Stapp who worked along side Murphy (Stapp was the first advocate for safety belts being installed in cars, he staged the first known use of crash test dummies and proved that more Air Force pilots were killed in automobile accidents than plane crashes.)
This is a helpful quote that can guide you safely through this Mercury Retrograde. Below I will share other tips on navigating through this retrograde but if you'd like to find out how Mercury will affect you specifically talk to a reputable astrologer, they can advise you through your birth chart.

Hermes/Mercury is known to be a trickster and prone to pranks. He is messenger of the gods & god of science and commerce.
This is an event that occurs three times a year for three weeks at a time. During this time Mercury slows down and appears to turn backwards (retrograde) through the zodiac, Mercury then slows down again and returns to its natural orbit (direct).
The next Mercury retrograde beings Wednesday, June 26th and it will go direct July 20th.
Mercury retrograde has a negative connotation, it is a time that is most associated with Murphy's law. The now famous Murphy's Law quote was originated by aerospace engineer Edward Aloysis Murphy jr. He worked with the Air Force developing high-speed rocket sled experiments. During this experiment Murphy was quoted saying: "One should always assume worst-case scenarios".
This quote was later transformed into the widely recognized: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" by Dr. John Stapp who worked along side Murphy (Stapp was the first advocate for safety belts being installed in cars, he staged the first known use of crash test dummies and proved that more Air Force pilots were killed in automobile accidents than plane crashes.)
"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong"
This is a helpful quote that can guide you safely through this Mercury Retrograde. Below I will share other tips on navigating through this retrograde but if you'd like to find out how Mercury will affect you specifically talk to a reputable astrologer, they can advise you through your birth chart.
- Stay positive by performing affirmative, constructive actions in your life like keeping your home and office in order. If you're on an exercise routine make sure to stick to it - especially around a Mercury Retrograde this will attract positive energy into your life.
- If you have a meditation practice focus on grounding meditations at this time.
- Before the Mercury Retrograde make sure to back up your data on your computer.
- Before hitting the "SEND" button on any email or post proof read, proof read, proof read...
- This is not the time to buy any big ticket items. The retrograde ends July 20th but keep in mind two weeks prior and two weeks after the Retrograde we are still susceptible to the craziness that this energy can bring into our lives so try to hold off until after August 3rd if you can.
- This is not the time to start NEW projects. If you've begun projects prior to the Retrograde just keep in mind that during this time communication tends to become a nightmare so err on the side of over-communication.
- Don't sweat it. If there is a break down in communication - whether professionally or personally - don't sweat it, really. Chalk it up to this planetary event known as Mercury Retrograde and re-visit it after August 3rd.
- This is not the ideal time to sign a new contract so push it back if you can and if it can't be helped and/or if you've done business with this company/person in the past just make sure all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed.
- Use the time to reflect on your life. Since its not a time to start anything new use the time to look at what you have going on in your life already. Some people have major breakthroughs during this time - so re-access your life but don't make any final decisions until after the Retrograde.
- Breathe, let go and flow. This is a time when past issues will resurface - its an invitation for healing and forgiveness. During retrograde unhealthy blocks will surface so what ever this Mercury Retrograde brings to your life just take a moment to breathe and plan on letting go of that which is no longer serving you after the retrograde.
Let me know if you find this helpful and please don't hesitate to ask any questions.
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