Unapologetically Open & Unabashedly Vulnerable

Life is spontaneous and unpredictable, at any given moment it can change direction. The only way to navigate through it all is to become unapologetically open and unabashedly vulnerable to the experience because everything in life happens to help us LIVE. A month and a half has passed since our Scarlett's death. Her absence has created an unbearable silence in our lives. In this silence I pray for the lesson in it all, what is it we are to learn that only Scarlett's death could teach us? This question has me holding a mirror to myself and a magnifying glass over my life. With our Scarlett (April 2013) I needed to make a change in my life - of this I am certain. Month's prior to Scarlett's death I'd ask out loud: "What is it you want to do?" "What is it you want to achieve with your life?" As many of you know I am an actress and being an actress means having a life filled with auditions. Auditioning is a major component to this occu...