Am I yelling into an abyss? Think this blog is really just for me...
well, okay - now that I've put that out there might as well go with
the whole 100 percent it goes....
never did I feel more ego driven than I do right now writing about my
daily life on the internet - ughhhhhh -
I have got to stop this voice inside my head, stop judging myself and put one foot in
front of the other....okay and on THAT note - I did one of the
things on my New Years resolution list - the one about
listening to classical music - yeah - I went to a piano recital today -
it was very inspiring - the best part is it was still raining and
while the pianist was playing Bach, Beethoven and
Chopin the sound of the rain could be heard landing on the roof of
the theatre - it was as if the pianist had an unseen Orchestra -
it was magical. Only thing hubby - he wasn't feel good
so he had to stay home
so sad.
Well, it's on to the weekend! The Sag awards are tomorrow night -
I find the award shows very motivating - can't wait to see who
wins - I hope Mo'Nique takes it for Supporting Actress - her work
in Precious just takes my breath away - and her acceptance speeches
are moving and Inspiring - as she said in her Golden Globe speech -
it is time for all of us Precious' in the world to speak up and out and
get rid of the shame - it has been a load that I've carried for too long -
but I don't know where to drop the 10 ton bag
of guilt I've been holding all these years - looking for an outlet that
would best serve me and others - been writing so far - channeling it into
a creative place and that will have to do for now - change happens with
baby steps - ALWAYS baby steps to climb Everest!
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