FEELING DEPRESSED (Melencholia Imaginativa)

I AM FEELING DEPRESSED!!! I hate feeling this way. When I do, I don't get done what I want AND after the episode I just feel like I wasted time... SOOOO in the interest of trying to use my time in a more productive way I decided to look up an image that is mentioned in the book I am currently reading - DAN BROWNS " THE LOST SYMBOL" (its the image I posted above) I figured worse case scenario - I learn about the piece of art, btw, I LOVED ART HISTORY class in College. How could I know this little cyber journey would help me out of my depression. Well, first - the ART WORK is a famous allegorical engraving by Albrecht Dürer entitled "Melencolia I". Its title is presumed to be inspired by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim. Agrippa was a German magician, occult writer, theologian, astrologer, and alchemist (PHEW - talk about multi-hyphenate) He wrote "De Occulta Philosophia (or magic)" in this book he describes "Melencholia Imaginativa" i...