Inspiration to stay connected to your dream:

This one's for all my FELLOW ARTISTS!

We all have our up's and down's when it comes to
working towards our dreams. This roller coaster
ride seems especially perilous when
the dream is attached to the arts.
Our society (for what ever reason)
views this pursuit as if it is THE
LOWEST, most ridiculous goal anyone
could strive for.

Armed with my innate positivity I am
for the most part immune to these naysayers.
Also being raised by a woman who would
say to me time and time again:

"Never allow yourself to say:
I could've, I would've,
I should've but I didn't."

This statement has given me a fearlessness
that fuels me to stay on my path,
and to also try new things. Again, I am usually
in a healthy, positive place

- BUT - (insert doom music here)

the trouble begins when I'm on an
emotional low (usually when I've been on six or
more auditions without a call back or
booking) its then that those wretched
negative thoughts seep in and the volume on
my inner self sabotoging voices
are turned up on HIGH.

These loud, doubting voices begin to fill
my mind and my mind then runs wild; like a bunch of
wild horses running in no less than
six different directions at the same time.

The script usually goes like this:

1)Why do you put yourself through this.
2)If you were "Truly talented" wouldn't you be further along
3)This is hard - you should go after an easier goal.

(this list could go on but I think you get the gist)

What I usually do to begin reining these
ponies in is - FIRST I have
to find MY NORTH, meaning MY TRUTH.

A quote by my fellow Native New Yorker -
Eleanor Roosevelt - can usually re-focus my
energy to a more positive direction:


I repeat this until I fully embrace its meaning and
usually the volume on those voices are turned
down enough that I can hear my own, true voice.

Now, some days this is all I need - other days -
I need a little more help and well today was one
of those days.

On the days I need more help I like to read
biography's or watch inspirational movies - some that
I find inspirational are:
1) ROCKY (any of them but I love Rocky and Rocky 4)
(just to name a few)

I also scour the internet for inspirational articles.
On today's quest I came across this article and
I thought I'd pass it along to ya's.

The article is about having Faith in your dreams
and how movies can help you stay true to your dreams.

Naturally my interest was piqued.

I attached the link to the site at the bottom -
you should check it out when
you have a chance.

The following is an EXCERPT from the article:

"An example of unshakable faith is J. K. Rowling, the author of“ Harry Potter”. She wrote most of her first “Harry Potter” book in coffee shops, because they were heated and she could not afford to pay for heat in her apartment. A single mother without childcare, she carried her baby daughter in a stroller that she kept by her side while writing away Harry Potter’s story, moved by an inner need to continue on until her book was finished. When she submitted her book, it was at first rejected by a number of publishers. She never gave up. Showing faith in her dream through actions, she persevered. She knew all along that writing Harry Potter was her only option, even though she had no way of proving that it would ever become such a tremendous, tremendous success. Her faith in her dream was so strong that lit her path even when it seemed completely dark and hopeless to others. She passed all the tests of her Invisible Examiner with flying colors, until she proved that her faith was stronger than her challenges."

How to Pass the Test of Faith in Your Dream

You too can you show unshakable faith in your dream! Here are some tips to follow when the Examiner tests you and wants to see that you mean business:

1. Meditate. Use silence to connect with your inner core, your creative source, and draw strength and inspiration to pursue your dream.

2. Stay connected with your dream. Write it as a statement and read it again and again. Or create a collage or a drawing of your dream, and keep it in a visible place, so you can see it frequently. It’s amazing how much this simple activity can re-energize your faith.

3. Talk with your inner mentor, or reach out to your physical mentor. In Reel Fulfillment: A 12-Step Plan for Transforming Your Life through Movies, I walk you through the steps of doing this.

4. Talk to an ally. This can be a friend, a coach, your minister, someone you trust and who cares about you.

5. Keep checking your results. Keep a log of your progress, to remind yourself how far you have come since you began pursuing your dream.

6. Ask yourself: “Would I want to go back to where I was before I started pursuing my heart’s desire?” Answer honestly, running through your mind all the aspects of your former life. As long as your answer is, “No way!” you’re on the right track.

7. Watch a film with your favorite character who also inspires you. Afterwards, have an imaginary dialogue with him or her. In Reel Fulfillment I show you how to do that.

8. Do one thing that brings your closer to your dream when your faith is challenged. This is how you show your Invisible Examiner that you are not shunned by tests. For example, if you want to be a famous author but your manuscript just got rejected, write a short article and publish it in a local newspaper, or on the Internet. You will feel better and continue to look for a publisher who will accept your manuscript.

Here's the link if you wanna read more:


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