"Life's too short" - my personal story.

we've all heard this motto before - LIFE'S TOO SHORT.
My question to you is do you live your life by it? I'm
here to say that doing so you will enhance your life

"Life's too short" - I've experienced the truth of this statement in a
very personal way.  Both of my parents died when I was very young.
My dad died when I was 4 years old and my Mom
when I was 5.  My dad was killed and my
mom died from Lung Cancer. They were both 28 years
old at the time of their deaths.

Growing up my brother and I looked at our lives in a
very different way than most. Since both of our parents
died at 28 we literally lived thinking we have a finite amount of
time on this earth - 28 years to be exact. This limited time frame motivated me at times towards taking positive actions in my life and also gave me permission to be reckless at others.

When my brother and I reached the age of 29 we out lived both of our parents. Turning 29 felt so strange to me. Most people's big bench mark in life is 30 but to me it was turning 29. That day I felt as if a weight had been lifted - like a family curse was broken. I also felt a new sense of responsibility, the responsibility that comes with more time - more time to create and enjoy my life - What am I going to do with this time - time that both my parents never had?

Life is too short. It really is. Don't waste a minute of it.  I often think if my parents knew they had such a limited amount of time would they live their lives differently. I will never know the answer to this but what I do know is that I turned what appears to be a horrific situation in my life and turned it into a positive. While my parents death has left me and my brother with a loss that can never be filled - I do see it as a gift from both of my parents, a gift that has taught me to use my life wisely and to try to LIVE MY LIFE to the FULLEST. 


to sit idly by and not be of service to others. Maybe its helping people in your community.  Donating time to an animal shelter or going over a friends house to help them set up a piece of furniture they bought from IKEA (which is a sign of true friendship - just saying) OR maybe just cheering up someone in your life that is going through a rough time with a fun email. Doesn't have to be complicated just an offering of your time to make that persons life a little better.

to hold a grudge. If you feel wronged in some way - it's usually from some unexpressed expectation and to me it's this unexpressed expectation that leads to heartache. If you find yourself in a disagreement with someone try to find out what expectations weren't communicated. The answers will surprise you and can lead to a deeper friendship. Communication and forgiveness are foundations to a healthy life filled with healthy relationships.

to waste your time with people that don't enrich your life and have a positive affect on your life.

to allow people in your life that you don't LIKE. If I do not like a person I tell them. I am not subtle. I am not a Passive person. I've ruffled feathers yes but I am very specific with who I allow into my life. 

to be a passive participant in your life. Your life is created on a daily basis by choices, each and every day, second by second we make choices. Either you are making those choices consciously or unconsciously, so consciously create your life!

to live someone else's life. If you have a dream go for it. I always ask
this question - "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
And if you are living your dream - push yourself to accomplish more -
go out on a limb, surprise yourself and others.

We each have a finite amount of time on this earth  - 
use every minute you can to live your life to it's fullest!!!! 


  1. Beautifully stated. So happy to be part of your life.

  2. THANK YOU so much LaFern - the feeling is mutual!!!

  3. You are an amazing woman DawnMarie.
    I love you.
    Very inspiring.

  4. True that! You're so awesome- I just adore you! Its a great reminder of so many things and on so many levels! Thanks for sharing yourself so generously and beautifully homie!!xoxoxo!!


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