Root Chakra: Why Should I care?

I'm so excited about my new Series on YouTube.
In this series I introduce you to your energy and
the Seven Major Energy Centers located in the body.
I'm excited to be helping people out and over-joyed
by the response. I'm getting a lot of e-mails with
questions to go more in depth and so
just thought, hey, why not use my blog for this -
and so here we are...

If you didn't get a chance to read the first blog
post on the first Video here's a link to that:
BLOG POST "Introduction to your Energy"

In the 2nd Video I introduce you to your Root Chakra and
help you open it up through Imagery and guided meditation.
(Wanna watch the video? Just scroll down) 

Why should you care about the Root Chakra? 

It is the place where we get our sense of Identity our sense
of Self and Self-worth. When it is closed we lack stability -
when it is too open we are frozen solid; stiff.

Ever felt Vague or have a lack of Focus?
Unable to make decisions?
Have you ever been victimized in your life?

The Root Chakra is the energy center that can help you
heal yourself.

Gravity is a perfect example of the energy needed to
stabilize the Root Chakra. We don't have to do anything
but relax and gravity is there. When we allow ourselves to
flow gracefully with gravity we are in harmony with the
downward flow of the Root Chakra.

In the video I lead you to a place of stillness and help
you ground your root chakra. Other activities that
you can do are squats or going for a walk.

Have an amazing week!
DawnMarie Ferrara


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