Creating the life you want in 2012

 2010 was a weird year for my husband and I - relationships in all areas of our lives were tested (Personal Friendships to Business relationships) - it was a painful experience but all the profoundly, life changing experiences always are...

So Last New Years Eve me and my hubby chose to take this experience and use it to spot light all the areas in our lives. Our lives are constantly talking to us - telling us what is working  and what doesn't work for us - its up to us (each individual) to listen to our lives and do something about it.

We did - we listened  and you know what??? 2011 was one of the MOST fulfilling years for the both of us - Spiritually and Professionally - we created an amazing year for ourselves. 

If you're ready to do something about your life here's my suggestion - instead of making a lengthy list of resolutions this year why not try doing what me and my husband did last year - its simple and it was a powerful experience that created amazing results for the both of us.

1) Look Back on the previous year (2011) and identify the THEME for the year. 

When I look back on 2011 I'd have to say our theme was LETTING GO. We have both shed some life long baggage - and it's been incredibly life altering.  Letting go of what is false allows the space for that which is authentic in you to grow and then that AUTHENTICITY grows around you.  Letting go of that which is no longer necessary allows the things that are necessary to come into your life.

2) Learn and Build from your theme - this will set an Intention for 2012

So our theme in 2011 was "Letting Go". Letting go creates a new, clear space to allow other things, experiences etc. to come into our lives - SO - in 2012 we should focus on  what we need and want to LET INTO our lives and ALLOW it to flow into our space

Or for other examples:

Lets say after you've looked back on 2011 you find your theme was  "fighting" -  "arguing" - "climbing to the top" these take A LOT of energy  - and you've been doing it all year - you've no doubt exhausted yourself. Some ideas for your 2012 Intention may be "RESTING" - "HEALING" - "RESTORATION" anything that will help you re-fuel.

Hope this helps you to create the life you REALLY want.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to send them to me.

I wish you a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR - here's to 2012 - let's make it INCREDIBLE!



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