What is your life telling you.

Your life is communicating with you every second of everyday. It expresses itself to you through your emotions and the situations you find yourself in. Becoming still and paying attention to these are the key to understanding yourself.

Scan your life paying attention to your accomplishments and successes and then write these down on a piece of paper. 
Don't limit this list to those things where you received a certificate or a trophy, also list those instances where you got a sense of personal satisfaction as well.

When you're done writing your list look at each item and take note of any commonality they share. Pay close attention to those things that come easily to you where you exert little or no effort. Are you more successful at your job than you are in your personal life, do you find it easy to make friends, or maybe you're an amazing cook?

This is only the beginning - we are scratching the surface of a theory I have - mind you it is only a theory - if it rings true to you leave me a comment and let me know that I'm onto some truth here... Okay?

Recently, I've noticed that no matter who you are everyone is hugely successful in at least one area of their lives. Think about that and now look at the list you made. Is there one area that you excel at easily? Maybe it's baking cookies or that you are an amazing mother or friend, maybe you're an extremely talented actor or actress - or maybe it's all of these. To me the reason these come easily is because on the most basic level they are in direct alignment with who you are at your core, its a part of your DNA.

Now building on this - look at each aspect of your successes and accomplishments and ask yourself this question:

Why do I excel at this?
Start jotting down all the answers that come to you - These answers are an important key to understanding who you are - a sort of manual to "YOU".

Okay, switching gears.

We are now going to focus on the places in your life where you find yourself challenged, the things that frustrate you, places in you life where you lack confidence, that you have to work hard at and even after spending your time and effort you still feel unaccomplished. Is it speaking in public? Painting?  Singing?  Some aspect of your employment? Maybe its intimacy in your marriage?  Write these down on another piece of paper.  After doing this ask yourself:

What is it about these that I find so difficult? 
Write down the answers that come to you.  I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that writing this list is making you feel vastly different than when you wrote your previous list.  Your energy is probably lower you're probably not smiling and you're probably trying to find an excuse to stop this exercise and you've suddenly remembered you have to put a load of laundry in the wash... Am I right?

This brings me back to my theory.

You undoubtedly have heard some variation on the adage - "Failure is a better Teacher than Success". My theory is based on my belief that we learn not only from those things we find difficult or those things that we fail at in our lives but we also learn from the things that we enjoy, that come to us with ease and that we succeed at.  I believe that the accomplishments and successes in our life can be our teacher as well.  I feel that within our successes lie a pearl - a pearl of personal growth.

By studying your successes you will discover what works for you whether its a state of being, or a certain working structure that works for you. This is the key because if you begin to understand what works for you and apply it to those situations where you experience difficulty or where you haven't found success yet, you will experience a dramatic and positive in change in you and in your life.

I've started doing this in my life a couple years ago and have experienced an amazing shift. I've experienced wonderful successes in those area's in my life where I was once struggling and since it's had a positive effect on me and my life and I wanted to share it with you. I hope you find something useful out of this exercise and that it helps you in your life as well.

Keep in touch and let me know how its going. 

All My Best, 


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