Taíno's: The Puerto Rican Indian tribe.

We are all trying to figure ourselves out. There are tons of TV shows, magazines and books dedicated to help us with this inner search. It seems like I'm asking myself the question "Who am I?" more and more often. Because I remain open to change and personal growth is my life's goal I'm usually asking myself "Who am I... right now?" At other times "Who am I? "pulls sharp focus on my past, my family history, and my genealogy. Ethnically I am Italian/Puerto Rican but I was raised with my Italian side of my family. For most of my life I've identified with my Italian ethnicity. I was raised with all the Italian traditions and on Sundays I'm usually making gravy (that's Tomato Sauce to you Non-Italians). I have no real connection to my Puerto Rican side except that my dad was born in Ponce, PR and I happen to be an AMAZING Salsa dancer. Since my dad died when I was a child I never really experienced my Puerto Rican heritage. Who ...