Wanna Meditate?

There are numerous benefits to meditation that range from physical to psychological but for many people having a meditation practice can seem like a daunting task.  I believe the source of their apprehension is that they are holding onto some preconceived notions of what meditation is and how to do it. They overwhelm themselves with thoughts like:

I don't have enough time
I can't quiet my mind
Its too hard to sit for an extended period of time


The term "Meditation" encompasses a wide variety of practices and techniques each designed towards different goals.  Some towards relaxation, building internal energy, developing compassion, love, patience, generosity, forgiveness, contacting spiritual guides,  receiving psychic visions, getting closer to God, as well as effortlessly sustained single-pointed concentration. 

My introduction to meditation was when I embarked on my Yoga Practice. The teacher would begin and end each class with a meditation infused with a positive intention for the day and that was that, I was hooked. Both Yoga and Meditation play a huge role in my life, I honestly don't know what my life would look like without either one.  I will always enjoy being a part of the Yoga Community there is an indescribable feeling one gets from sharing a class with others, each of us on our mats as individuals and our energy as a collective group but I thrive on my private meditations.

My meditation practice is always evolving but the one constant is that its a daily personal journey, one that I invite myself to take every single day.  Seriously, I allow each day's meditation to be a unique experience. My meditation practice is something that puts my life into focus and it also puts it under a magnifying glass. After meditating I get a clear sense of myself, where I am and where I want to go. Some days the experience is a relaxing time filled with complete silence, other days I'm repeating positive affirmations out loud and then there are days when I hear a clear voice speaking to me - like during a recent meditation I received the following message:

"You are not who you think you are, you are who you are, 
you are you."

This is what keeps me going every day and some days its better than a cup of coffee :)

If you're interested in beginning a meditation practice here are some ideas to get you started:

The first day you begin meditating I recommend setting the time for 5 minutes. We can all find 5 minutes right?  Next, think of this as a date with yourself, its up to you to set it up and you decide how you want it to go. Go ahead and grab your iPod and play your favorite song. Just sit and listen to the song and allow yourself to enjoy every note, lyric, and every feeling that arises for you.  You don't have to have your legs crossed and eyes closed, you can sit in a comfortable chair push back the blinds and enjoy the daylight that shines through your home. You can go for a walk. The options are limitless, the only thing you need to do is to have the intention that you are taking time to be with YOU.

Another great option is to listen to guided meditations.

Deepak Chopra has an amazing free event coming up - Starting November 5  - the event is called "The 21 Day Meditation challenge."  Its a guided meditation with Deepak Chopra and the focus of the meditation is "Creating Abundance."  Here's the Link to Deepak Chopra's Meditation Challenge


I created a free meditation series on-line. Each video is geared towards opening and balancing the energy centers in the body called Chakras. At the end of each video there's a guided meditation. Also, I recently created a 4 minute guided meditation. If interested just  Click Here

If you've found this information helpful let me know. Leave me a comment. One thing though -  this site operates differently than most - you have to first sign into an account (ie your google account) before writing your comment.  If you don't sign in you won't be able to leave a comment. Can't wait to hear from you.

All my best, 
xo DawnMarie


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