12-12-12 - what's with all the 12's?

It's 12am on December 12, 2012 and I just sat down to write about the numeric extravaganza that is 12/12/12.

If you're into numerology today's date is not as impressive as say Dec. 12, 2019. That date is said to have a "stronger vibration" because 2+0+1+9 = 12.  In numerology todays date is really 12/12/5
(2+0+1+2= 5)

For everyone else this date will either have magical connotations or there are those who will look at it with cursory interest.

First, it should be said that today is the last repeating date of the century.  THAT'S RIGHT. There is some debate as to the next time we will have this triple digit repeat. Some argue that it will be Jan. 1, 2101 while others say it will be on January, 1, 3001.  Either way - it's not happening for a while...


12 is ubiquitous in our society.

There are 12 months in a year
A new day begins at 12 midnight
There are 12 hours on a face of a clock
12 members on a typical court jury
There are 12 astrological signs

In the bible it is mentioned 187 times (22 times in the Book of Revelation) and for some reason there is a great importance put on the 12 days that lead up to Christmas. The number twelve is widely regarded as a number of completion so 2012 is also rumored to be a year of Spiritual Transformation.

There are only 9 days left in the Mayan calendar.  Next Friday, 12/21/12 marks the end of the Mayan 5,000 year calendar. There have been many predictions associated with 12/21/12.  Some predict it will be "Doomsday" and that the end of the world is imminent. Others believe that December 21, 2012 marks a new beginning, the start of a 10,000 year period of peace, prosperity and well-being for human kind.

Back in the 90's an invention called "The Web Bot" was created to predict future Stock Market performance.  Recently, its been used to predict world events. It apparently predicted the events of 9/11 and others... you can go (HERE) to check out those details.


While the "Web Bot" does predict that some kind of disaster will occur on 12/21/12 I personally never align myself with anything negative. I am an advocate of Quantum Physics and whole heartedly believe that our thoughts create our reality. I choose to focus on the more positive symbolism that can be extrapolated from 12/21/12.

On December 21, 2012 I will be lifting a glass of bubbly and toasting the start of a new era.  I plan on celebrating the dawning of a new age of abundance, harmony and universal consciousness.

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