
Showing posts from June, 2010

Inspiration to stay connected to your dream:

This one's for all my FELLOW ARTISTS! We all have our up's and down's when it comes to working towards our dreams. This roller coaster ride seems especially perilous when the dream is attached to the arts. Our society (for what ever reason) views this pursuit as if it is THE LOWEST, most ridiculous goal anyone could strive for. Armed with my innate positivity I am for the most part immune to these naysayers. Also being raised by a woman who would say to me time and time again: "Never allow yourself to say: I could've, I would've, I should've but I didn't." This statement has given me a fearlessness that fuels me to stay on my path, and to also try new things. Again, I am usually in a healthy, positive place - BUT - (insert doom music here) the trouble begins when I'm on an emotional low (usually when I've been on six or more auditions without a call back or booking) its then that those wretched negative though