
Showing posts from December, 2012

Tonights Full Moon

Tonight is the last Full Moon of 2012. Tonight's full moon is called the "Full Cold Moon" or the Native American's called it the "Long Nights Moon." The Moon will officially go Full Friday 2:22am The Full Moon is best for banishing unwanted influences in your life, releasing old patterns and issues -this clears a path and opens the door for healing. Getting rid of those things that no longer serve you allows you to free up energy that you can then give to those things you want to bring into your life. You can do this work a couple days before the Full Moon, the night of the Full Moon and during the 3 days after.  Which is perfect timing because that would be New Years Eve :) The Moon embodies the Feminine Energy. In Native American traditions Women would gather under each Full Moon, create a bon fire, sit around it and share stories about their lives. They would place their focus on the fire and share their dreams, past, present and future. They woul

What will 2013 look like for you?

So it's that time of year again. Another year is ending and a New Year is beginning. If you follow my blog you know that I do not subscribe to making "resolutions" --  I think they tend to set us up for disappointments and failures. So what do I do? First, I look at the current year and try to boil it down into a single theme. 2012 was an interesting ride (to say the least). We experienced extreme highs and extreme lows. It was one of those years that I am happy to see come to an end. If I had to put 2012 into a "theme" I'd say it was a "don't forget to wear your seat belt" kind of year.  My faith was tested this year and I came out the other side with a stronger connection to my spirituality, a greater understanding of who I am, and an even stronger connection to my husband. What did 2012 look like for you? Can you sum it up in a single sentence? After I sum up my year I sit down with my husband and set up a plan for the coming year.

The Holiday Spirit After Sandy Hook

As a country we are all still trying to process the shooting at Sandy Hook - understanding the why of it all is beyond comprehension.  At any time of year Sandy Hook would be unbearable but the fact that it happened during Christmas makes it even more gut wrenching. The image of families with gifts under the trees for their beautiful little angels, gifts that will never be opened... breaks my heart.  I am no stranger to dealing with death, both my parents died by the time I was six.  The holes that their deaths left in my life have never been filled,  my mourning still continues to this day although it changes, it transitions with each year that passes but it is still ever present.  Photo of my parents - they were going to their Engagement party TAKEN TOO SOON Sandy Hook made me think about my Dad's death beca use he died as a result of a  senseless act of violence, he  was killed with a single gunshot wound to his h ead. When I was a teenager my mind was drowning in the

12-12-12 - what's with all the 12's?

It's 12am on December 12, 2012 and I just sat down to write about the numeric extravaganza that is 12/12/12. If you're into numerology today's date is not as impressive as say Dec. 12, 2019. That date is said to have a "stronger vibration" because 2+0+1+9 = 12.  In numerology todays date is really 12/12/5 (2+0+1+2= 5) For everyone else this date will either have magical connotations or there are those who will look at it with cursory interest. First, it should be said that today is the last repeating date of the century.  THAT'S RIGHT. There is some debate as to the next time we will have this triple digit repeat. Some argue that it will be Jan. 1, 2101 while others say it will be on January, 1, 3001.  Either way - it's not happening for a while... SO WHAT'S WITH ALL THOSE TWELVES? 12 is ubiquitous in our society. There are 12 months in a year A new day begins at 12 midnight There are 12 hours on a face of a clock 12 members on a typica

Step Back From Life's Canvas

In life it is extremely important to express yourself and if you explore as many different avenues of expression as possible each will enrich your journey towards self-awareness.  I know it works for me. I have stayed on an artistic path most of my life - I am an Actress, Dancer, Writer as well as a Painter. I enjoy and pursue each passionately but painting is different - when I'm standing (or sitting) in front of a canvas with a brush full of paint in my hand I become absolutely, unapologetically insular. I love stepping in front of a blank canvas NOT knowing what I will create. I cherish it because, for me, it's the one artistic activity where I can completely get lost within myself. A gal and her music - by DawnMarie (Oil on Canvas) When I'm painting I can express myself without the pressure of being judged by anyone else except well... myself. If I don't like what I create on the canvas I can throw it out or paint over it and start again. Painting allows