
Showing posts from March, 2012

Spring Forward Thinking

A little over two years ago I experienced what is described as a "Kundalini Awakening" and from that point on I have fully embraced and surrendered to my own personal spiritual journey. Doing so means I've made a commitment to my soul - a relationship that needs to be cultivated and cared for daily. One thing I've found is that I must meditate daily, its as necessary as breathing and eating. I meditate twice daily - at least 30 minutes at a time (am/pm). What I experience in my meditations differs from day to day but I begin my practice the same way every day: by first tuning into my own breath and becoming still. Once in a while a busy day may come at me and I just can't fit in a half an hour but I find that I can always take a couple moments and become quiet -- even if it's just as I put the keys into the ignition or as I lay my head on the pillow at night. Daily Meditation has opened me up in many ways, it is a daily visit with my soul.  The more