
Showing posts from May, 2010

Total Honesty, an ACTING APPROACH

I just came off a great week of auditions!!!! In the past my approach to auditions could only be classified as "SELF DESTRUCTIVE". To describe it in a way so you can fully understand the magnitude of what I mean by "SELF DESTRUCTIVE" I will simply say that, in the past, I looked at auditions as an illness that I desperately needed to find a CURE for. You must be saying to yourself "why were you doing that?" Well, I wasn't doing this consciously - BUT I have made the conscious decision to change this and now I see each Audition as a journey, a journey with no destination. In the past I had a destination in mind - the destination being GETTING THE JOB, BOOKING IT, BEING HIRED, getting paid to act the part. Its THIS mindset that would lead me to get "TIGHT" in auditions and then I will begin to OVER ACT to compensate...and then'd go downhill fast. I now see Auditioning as a mirror, a mirror that I use as a tool