
Showing posts from September, 2011

Life Lessons from films...

Who says you can't learn anything from watching films??? I know that personally I've learned so many life lessons from them. For this Blog I'm going to focus one film:  THE WIZARD OF OZ (Confession: I still have yet to read any of L. Frank Baum's novels that is on my Life's To Do List) I love, love, love "The Wizard of Oz". I remember the first time I watched it, I sat MESMERISED!  I distinctly remember being pulled into Dorothy's experience the second she opens the door and her world is transformed from Black and white into glittering technicolor. As the audience we can each identify with at least one of the characters and their journey in the film. The genius of "The Wizard Of Oz" is that by films end each character finds that what they were looking for was in fact not outside of themselves but inside, "they had it all along". It's the act of taking ownership of it that makes it accessible. WHEN EVER I WATCH TH