Clearing your Third Eye Chakra

The 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) is represented by the color  INDIGO  and the element of light. It is one of the most powerful Chakras in terms of "creating what you want in your life" and yet it is the least accessed. Most people take a passive role in the creation of their life because they feel powerless in the creation process and are continually "AT EFFECT"of their lives.

The Third Eye is the energy center where we can  harness the POWER OF THE MIND. All the subliminal advertising, our thoughts, making plans, worry, reading, images that we encounter on a daily basis or experiences we've had in our lives... they all get processed and stored in the Third Eye Chakra and this can lead it to become cluttered.

In the above video I talk you through a meditation that will help you stay focused while you meditate and then I help you to use your Third Eye Chakra so you can create what you want to manifest in your life but how do you clear out the images that are already there?

Journaling is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to clear your Third Eye Chakra because it gets your thoughts out of your head and into writing. In the written form it will be easier to discern what is going on inside your mind - you can reflect on what's going on, gain insight and understandings. It's this understanding that will lead to the development of your personal power, it's your personal power that will feed your confidence, its this self-confidence that will create an authentic self-love and it's this self-love that will change your life.

This exercise is like throwing out the trash but for the mind. It will help clear up space so you can make quicker decisions and it will free up your creativity.

Get a piece of paper (or pad) and start writing down everything that comes to your mind - what's the first thing that comes to mind - is it your "TO DO" list? Write it down. Is there a situation that is bothering you, regrets, hopes etc,  just write everything that comes to mind and continue writing until you have nothing left to write.

Okay so when you are done read what you've written. Is there a common thread or theme to it. If it's a To Do list - see what you can get done today even if it is simply writing the To-Do list. Then create a plan of attack, do you need to ask for help from others? Always keep in mind - you have to walk before you run.

Is your writing filled with regrets, anger or blame? Begin to see where you can forgive yourself and/or the other person(s) maybe its writing a letter to that person. Sit down and write it - it doesn't need to be mailed (or e-mailed) just write it to get your feelings out. If you're not going to send it I suggest reading it out loud, as if you are reading it to the person and then tearing it up into little pieces and throwing it out.

If your writing is filled with hopes and dreams - create a vision board and fill it with all the images you want in your life. If you've always wanted to take a trip to Tahiti - get a travel magazine with photos of Tahiti vacations and glue them to a poster board and hang it somewhere where you can see it everyday.

Much like cleaning your house, you have to keep up on clearing your Third Eye Chakra. Personally I find that Daily Journaling and Daily Meditation are the most effective ways to keep it clear and healthy. 



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