Sex, Desire, Passion and the Sacral Chakra

In my very first video "Intro to Energy" I spoke ever so briefly about being Psychic. I've always been a Psychic and I've always had the ability to see and speak with spirits. Now, not everyone can do this but I do feel that everyone has some sort of Psychic ability. 

You may be asking - What the hell does this have to do with The Sacral Chakra? 

It's in the Sacral Chakra where we experience the Psychic Sense - it comes in the form of emotions. Ever "Feel" something is about to happen and then it does? That's your Psychic Sense or "Sixth Sense". 

The First Chakra - The Root/Base Chakra - is represented by the color RED and the image of roots and the earth.  Our Second Chakra - The Sacral Chakra - is represented by the color ORANGE and the image of water. Water flows, it's fluid and helps to soften the earth and prepare it for change. The Root Chakra is balanced with stillness and grounding - The Sacral Chakra is balanced through movement.

The Sacral Chakra is also known as the "Sex" Chakra -  it is where we house and process our emotions, desires, passions and our Sexuality. These are often denied or perverted and it's this denial that robs us of our power because when we lose our desire, we lose our will. 

If your Sacral Chakra is too open you can become overwhelmed by feeling everyone else's emotions around you as well as being over-run by your own emotions. Feeling confused and having a sense of losing your center - ever twirl around and around until you get dizzy? That's what I'm talking about. These are all signs that your Sacral Chakra is too open, now on the other side of this -  if it's closed down you'll experience lower back pain and have a lack of passion in your life - you'll feel STUCK.

In the Video I guide you through an exercise and meditation to help balance your Sacral Chakra -

But there are other Things you can do to open and balance your Sacral Chakra - you can go dancing (take a dance class, Belly-dancing etc) Make some time to hang out with friends, Hula-hooping... you get the idea - the basic thing is to FIND WAYS TO EXPRESS YOURSELF CREATIVELY and give yourself permission to do them. 

Until Next Wednesday!


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