Find your own voice with your 5th Chakra

The Throat Chakra is represented by the color LIGHT BLUE and the element of sound. All of the other major Chakra's are expressed internally BUT its the THROAT CHAKRA that is expressed externally through voice.  No other Chakra is as immediate. This is where our individuality is expressed or in some cases suppressed.

In this video I guide you through a simple exercise in which you will have a visceral experience with your Throat Chakra energy and then I lead you through a meditation to help you balance this energy center.  With a healthy, balanced 5th Chakra you will be able to cultivate deeper relationships because you will develop an awareness of listening to others while you improve your own communication skills so you can clearly express your truth, feelings and beliefs  - its this exchange that creates healthy relationships.

Other exercises you can do include: Neck and shoulder stretches; and humming your favorite song.



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