Transform your life by working with your HEART CHAKRA

The Heart Chakra is represented by: 
the color GREEN and the element of AIR.

Each Chakra correlates to different beliefs and thoughts that we hold for ourselves and others - we should always remember that we go where our thoughts take us... harnessing and balancing the energy found in the 7 Major Chakra's in the body will have powerful results - you can heal yourself - and the best part is... these energies can be accessed at any time.

To me the Heart Chakra is where you can really transform your life because it's through our Heart Chakra that we experience unconditional love and healthy relationships and these are the real keys to freedom - freedom from our limited beliefs and fears.

You can tell if our Heart Chakra is open or closed by paying attention to your emotions and the issues you are dealing with in your life.

OPEN/balanced: you are loving and affectionate to yourself as well as others, you don't look at yourself and/or others with criticism or Judgment. You are accepting, compassionate and full of joy.

CLOSED/imbalanced: You experience trust issues, you are filled with Self-doubt and can be selfish and closed off - OR - it may swing in the other direction: You may be too trusting of others, and have codependency issues and you might be giving of yourself too freely to others without regard for your own needs and desires.

I guide you through an exercise and meditation in the video I posted above but something else you can do to balance your Heart Chakra is to simply wrap your arms around yourself, give yourself a BIG hug and say "I am me and I am Great" and then show the same appreciation for those people around you that you love and that love you.

Sending you lots of LOVE and JOY, 
xo DawnMarie


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