What will 2013 look like for you?

So it's that time of year again. Another year is ending and a New Year is beginning. If you follow my blog you know that I do not subscribe to making "resolutions" --  I think they tend to set us up for disappointments and failures.

So what do I do?

First, I look at the current year and try to boil it down into a single theme. 2012 was an interesting ride (to say the least). We experienced extreme highs and extreme lows. It was one of those years that I am happy to see come to an end. If I had to put 2012 into a "theme" I'd say it was a "don't forget to wear your seat belt" kind of year.  My faith was tested this year and I came out the other side with a stronger connection to my spirituality, a greater understanding of who I am, and an even stronger connection to my husband.

What did 2012 look like for you? Can you sum it up in a single sentence?

After I sum up my year I sit down with my husband and set up a plan for the coming year. We plan for everything we want to happen for us, in our careers, our marriage, friendships etc. Then we pray to remain open so we can allow them to come into our lives.

Here's something simple you can do to create your 2013 plan. Every day this week - leading up to New Years Eve - answer these two questions:

1) Looking back at 2012 - What am I grateful for? 
Starting today, think of one, only one thing you are grateful for and hold that thought for the rest of the day. Let it flow in and out of your consciousness for the entire day.

2) Looking towards 2013 - What do I want to create for my life? 
Again, choose one thing a day and hold the thought of what ever it is for the rest of the day.

Finally, on New Years Day come up with a motto for the coming year - something that will inspire you, something that will help keep you motivated to work towards achieving your goals.

I recently found this photo on-line - this is my motto for 2013...


Wishing you every happiness in the the New Year!


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