Refocusing My Blog

When I started this blog on January 22, 2010 it began as a test. I was curious to see how many people would actually read my writing. At that time my writings were all over the place. A year later I created a more focused goal for my blog - I wanted to use my blog to motivate and inspire others. I shared personal stories from my life like the one I wrote on my Grandmother called: Things My Grandmother Taught Me and human interest stories like the one about Phillipe Petit, the man who walked a tight rope across the World Trade Center ( A Tight Rope Walk To Inspiration).

About six months ago I decided to use my blog as a stepping stone.  My long term goal is to obtain work as a freelance writer for on-line publications so I decided to use my blog as a show case for my writing. And well, now I've decided to take that goal one step further.

I will continue to post new stories every week (on Wednesdays) but now once a month I will do a feature story covering an artist that I feel is breaking down barriers and like the great Frank Sinatra said,  doing it "Their Way."

Many people look at the entertainment industry and only see the high profile artists - but there are people you haven't heard of (yet) carving out a living doing what they do. Many Actors and Actresses working in theatre, doing voice-overs or appearing in bit parts on television and in film, singers selling their own music independently on-line, dancers and choreographers working in studios, painters selling their work on the street, and filmmakers grabbing camera's and shooting their own material.

With our current society being so incredibly "Celebrity" driven it is my hope that my blog will introduce you to the up and comers, the movers, the shakers, and fiercely independently minded artists and in the process inspire you to go after your own dreams and live your life to its fullest.

I thank you for supporting this dream of mine and look forward to bringing you my first feature story.



  1. Glad to hear it! There's so much crap and negativity out there, it's refreshing and stimulating to have people who are trying to lift our society up and who come from a place of positivity and support. You rock!


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