A Salute our soldiers


What a ride Kathryn Bigelow takes the
viewer on.

I felt as if I had enlisted in the service
and all the decisions the soldiers were making
on screen were in some way going
to effect me - like I was in any harm sitting
in my living room, crunching on
my "Orville Redenbacher" Popcorn.

The movie is spectacular - many moments
stood out for me - one in particular.

When Jeremy Renner's character goes home.

After watching his character for about 80% of the film
make life and death decisions (which made my heart race
at times, made me cringe and close my eyes at others)
He watched people die. Killed others. Dissected bombs.
Things that I feel the human soul were not
meant to experience - AND THEN suddenly he is in
civilian clothing - standing in an isle in a Supermarket
trying to decide "what cereal to buy"

My Brother served in the Army. I always make a point to
THANK the service men and women I come in contact
with and to me THE HURT LOCKER is not just an AMAZING
FILM its also a THANK YOU, on a massive scale, to our
men and women in the service.

At movies end I felt changed, I had a sense of great pride
for our soldiers AND I was INSPIRED by Kathryn Bigelow.

*( If you're keeping track - I've now watched 4 of the Oscar
films - 6 more to go)


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